Didaktiske Principper

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Her skal være en udfoldning af fagets didaktik, herunder principper og mønstre.


  • Mønster-tankegangen giver god mening her (solution to a problem in a context)
  • Korte, generelle videointroduktioner
  • Korte, generelle beskrivelser (efter skabelon)
  • Eksempler på anvendelse (ref. til forløb)


(citater fra Caspersen, M.E. and Nowack, P.: "Computational Thinking and Practice — A Generic Approach to Computing in Danish High Schools", Proceedings of the 15th Australasian Computing Education Conference, ACE 2013, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, January 2013, pp. 137-143.)

  • Use-modify-create
  • Application-oriented (outside-in)

"Traditionally, introductory computer science courses ap- ply a bottom-up approach, in the sense that pupils are introduced to basic and foundational concepts and ex- pected to master these before more advanced concepts and principles are introduced. Hence, in a traditional pro- gramming course, pupils are often trained in constructing a “Hello World” program as the very first activity, and then later on are trained in adding more layers of com- plexity to a system in terms of user interfaces, databases, etc. For the technically inclined pupils this may be a fea- sible approach, but in our case, this could pose severe motivational problems, as we are dealing with a wider range of pupils with much more diverse interests and backgrounds.

There is an even more important reason why a tradi- tional bottom-up approach is fallible. We are not aiming at developing detailed and specific competences in the seven knowledge areas. Overall, we are aiming at devel- oping interest, critical thinking, and broader skills in computational thinking and practice. Therefore we have decided on an application-oriented top-down approach. This means, that we start the various teaching activities by introducing well-known or familiar applications, which we then split apart for conceptual and/or technical examination, evaluation, and modification. For motiva- tional reasons, we choose applications based on the crite- ria, that they must by themselves be naturally appealing to pupils in our age range. Applications, which they find interesting to use and hopefully to examine and improve. Examples could include pedagogical lightweight versions of Facebook, iTunes/Spotify, YouTube, Twitter, Blogs, Photoshop, and similar applications."


  • Her er en opgave der træner underviseren i at præsentere et it-værktøj (med FIMME understøtning).
